I am Martin Clarkson, originally from the north-east of England the early part of my working life was in the hospitality industry managing the operations of hotels restaurants and bars.

In 2003 I started the hobby of woodturning after getting a lathe for Christmas. That year I spent most of my spare time trying to master getting something that even looked like a shape. I managed to find my local club to get some guidance. I was lucky enough to find a mentor with years of experience and knowledge  who helped me to develop my skills.

I started my professional woodturning career in 2004 when I changed my direction from making individual items to making many of the same thing, some would call this production turning. I redesign and create items I see in other mediums. I take my ideas, develop them and offer them to market and if they sell I make more of them. This has worked for me.

Then the massive drop in sales as the economic situation changed for many of us, due to  the Covid virus in 2020, I have had to adapt. Adding demonstrations and some tools to bring in some additional revenue. In 2024 I completed and passed a level 3 diploma in woodturning this has now given me a recognised qualification to work globally.



I am available at short notice and happy to travel throughout the UK and Europe for demonstrations and seminars or trade shows.

My way of demonstrating is not to teach lecture or preach its to inspire, encourage and entertain. I have a number of presentations pre-prepared which can be  made available at very short notice. If your club has a cancellation and there is enough traveling time I will always endeavor to help. My rate for travel and demonstration fees are competitive.

Although I choose not to be on any register or part of any associations I pride myself on the experience of the last 10 years of selling my work in volume. It is only recently that I put myself on the demonstrating circuit in order to share with others my work and some of the ways I apply in order to have made a living over the last 10 years.

My demonstration fees are as follows:

Evening demonstration £180.00

All day demonstration £ 275.00

Traveling costs from Ln85pl @ 30ppm

For new clubs my in 2025 my demonstration will be my bobby clock this gives a fun demonstration with spindle and faceplate also the sizing planing and placement of the elements.

Return clubs for 2025

I will be making a version of my mantle clocks and looking at the design although the clocks are relatively easy to turn the production side has proved popular with club members. In seeing and understanding the process of making many items the same. This is key when manufacturing and selling to outlets.

If you would like to book a date for your club please contact me with some dates that your looking to fill and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


I offer bespoke one to one training uniquely I teach you using your own equipment in your own workshop.

I feel that the benefits and confidence you gain with using your tools and equipment makes for a far better learning experience in your own environment. What you will get is the best experience from your tools and equipment and recommendations on which tools and equipment to consider purchasing.

I give guidance on sharpening, tool presentation, preparation and planning we will go through grain orientation. Preparation of the blanks and correct holding and mounting.

Training can be in bite-size pieces or large chunks whatever suits you. Contact me below to discuss your requirements and my availability.

Contact Me